Onondaga Lake is located in Central New York, near Lake Ontario and just east of the Finger Lakes region. Though it is a small lake, it has loomed large in North American history. Large enough that it was identified on early European maps.....
Onondaga Lake is one of the most storied bodies of water in North America. The oral tradition of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (better known by its French name, the Iroquois) traces its origin to the lake shore over a thousand years ago, when leaders of five warring nations gathered to enact the Great Law of Peace. The freshwater lake and its nearby salt springs figure in histories of Jesuit missionaries to North America, the founding of Syracuse, the financing and routing of the Erie Canal, and the rise of Syracuse as a tourist destination and industrial center...
OL Lake Today
Vestibulum lobortis odio sit amet tempus laoreet. Donec accumsan eros quis condimentum rhoncus. Curabitur sodales cursus mi sed varius. Aenean vitae diam porta, laoreet ante gravida, efficitur justo.
OL Ghosts
Vestibulum lobortis odio sit amet tempus laoreet. Donec accumsan eros quis condimentum rhoncus. Curabitur sodales cursus mi sed varius. Aenean vitae diam porta, laoreet ante gravida, efficitur justo.
Vestibulum lobortis odio sit amet tempus laoreet. Donec accumsan eros quis condimentum rhoncus. Curabitur sodales cursus mi sed varius. Aenean vitae diam porta, laoreet ante gravida, efficitur justo.
The sacred history of Onondaga Lake
Jake Edwards of the Onondaga Nation recounts the story of the ancient Great Law of Peace ceremony, where the warring nations cast their weapons of war underneath a great pine tree on the south shore of Onondaga Lake.